Alpaca Rugs

Alpaca Rugs
Alpaca Rug

Alpaca Rugs Peru alpaca rug

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top quality alpaca rugs made by hand in a thousand year old tradition in Peru with the best quality 100% baby alpaca fur. Baby alpaca fur offers soft, warmth, comfort, quality and style.

They have not odor and last for many years. You will not find this quality of fur anywhere else. All our alpaca rugs have a soft and resistant polar fleece backing it can be used either as a rug for the floor or as a bed cover. This rug has been made with natural fur that are soft to the touch.

Important: The Alpaca is not killed to get his fur; all pelts are from animals that have died a natural death. There is a very simple economic reason for this: the Alpaca is too valuable for it's wool. We are alpaca lovers.

Care: Shaking or vacuuming (be careful not to catch the fur in vacuum rollers) removes dust and most dirt. Should the product still show harder to get at dirt, sprinkle in baby-powder, corn meal, or sawdust; brush this in; and then shake. Spots come out easily with any alcohol-based spot remover. Simplest is a quick trip to the dry cleaners.

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